Are you ready for Marketing Shake 2025? We are!

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Time Left Until the Event:

Become a part of our story and join the largest annual marketing and communication event in the Baltics! This is your unique opportunity to gain inspiration from industry leaders and share your ideas, make valuable connections and co-create future narratives that will inspire and shape the world of marketing.

Be present, stay active and experience new knowledge, innovations and inspiration alongside leading professionals in the Baltic region!


A cocktail of ideas, That Energize

A Blend of Experts, That Amaze

Marketing stories, That Captivate

The Familiar and the Yet to Be Discovered

The Hidden Moderator Waiting to Be Revealed

The Best Ads from Cannes Lions














Line up

Marketing Shake 2025 Nathan Littleton


Inga Spriņģe

Marketing Shake 2025 Nathan Littleton

Paper Plane Labs

Marketing Shake 2025 Inga Spriņģe

Inga Spriņģe, Re:Baltica

Marketing Shake 2025 Jēkabs Dambergs

Jēkabs Dambergs, Google








Aspiring and






Aspiring and

Workshop Lecturers



9:00 Arrival, registration

Arrival, registration

Morning coffee and refreshments.

The Best Beats by RADIO TEV DJ Toms Polakens – Your Mood-Boosting Recharge Station!


9:50 Opening of the Festival

Festival Opening

The Secret Moderator

The Secret Moderator

A digitally-dubbed podium that announces speakers, manages the festival and calls pranksters (the last one is a joke). A communications professional with a human, empathetic and positive approach to life. But who or which is it? Let's not say. A marketing guru? Or maybe a PR spec? Why not an advertising creative? And not the boss of the company for that matter! Ladies and gentlemen, your bets - who's behind the digitally shabby headrest this year?


10:00 Marketing Shake barometer

Marketing Shake barometer

Linda Ezera / Latvia

Head of Norstat Latvia; ESOMAR official representative in Latvia, Member of the Board of the Latvian Sociological Association

Linda Ezera / Latvia

Head of Norstat Latvia; ESOMAR official representative in Latvia, Member of the Board of the Latvian Sociological Association

Word-of-mouth is one of the most difficult communication channels to control, with consumers constantly sharing feedback, recommendations, and experiences about products, services, and brands. Let's examine whether and to what extent positive and negative word-of-mouth exists in Latvia. Let us explore which target groups are most affected and which are less affected. We will also look at what aspects influence the prevalence of word-of-mouth.

About the Lecturer: Linda Ezera's more than 17 years of in-depth experience in consumer and marketing research, including corporate management experience, has given her the opportunity to consult and manage research for major companies in the Baltics and Northern Europe. Daily focus - top quality data, understandable results that support companies and organisations


10:30 Pircēju paradumu tendences 2025. gadā, un kā tām pielāgoties digitālajā vidē

Consumer Behavior Trends in 2025 – and How to Adapt in the Digital Realm

Jēkabs Dambergs / Latvia

Google’s Digital Strategy Lead for the Baltic States

Jēkabs Dambergs / Latvia

Google’s Digital Strategy Lead for the Baltic States

As significant economic, political, and technological shifts reshape the landscape, consumer behavior in the digital environment is continuously evolving. This lecture explores the most relevant consumer trends of 2025 in the digital space, analyzing how they will affect businesses and marketing strategies. Discover how to adapt your online presence to attract and retain customers in a rapidly changing market—and why tactics that worked five years ago are no longer effective. The session will feature practical examples and offer actionable advice for successfully aligning with emerging trends and achieving digital marketing success.

About the Lecturer: Jēkabs is a Digital Strategy Lead at Google, working closely with fast-growing companies from the Baltic region. He spearheads a growth program that supports businesses in crafting marketing strategies for entering export markets, boosting sales, and optimizing advertising resources.


11:00 Break, networking, partner stands

Networking Break and Partner Exhibits

The Best Beats by RADIO TEV DJ Toms Polakens – Your Mood-Boosting Recharge Station!



11:30-13:00 @Darbnīca Mākslīgais intelekts mārketingā un organiskā izaugsme: Satura veidošana, kam ir nozīme

Masterclass: AI in Marketing and Organic Growth: Creating Content That Matters

Marju Sokman / Estonia

Bespoke Marketing, Founder

Marju Sokman / Estonia

Bespoke Marketing, Founder

In this session, Marju will share real-life examples of how she combines AI with strategy to help brands stand out in a world where everyone has access to the same tools. The masterclass covers: Better prompting using the CRAFT model Maintaining brand voice while using AI tools Creating content that AI can't compete with AI personalization techniques for marketing teams Common mistakes we make while blending AI into our everyday work and how to do better. The session includes live demonstrations and real case studies from the work with different brands and organizations.

About the Lecturer: Marju is a marketing expert who believes in taking action with purpose and asking questions before diving in. After 15+ years in international marketing and communications, she's now fully immersed in exploring how AI can make marketing both easier and better. Through Bespoke Marketing, she helps brands and people find their authentic voice in an increasingly AI-powered world. She's passionate about showing others how to use AI tools effectively - not just to create more content, but to create content worth paying attention to.


11:30 The You Moment: vienkāršas stratēģijas, lai katrreiz paliktu prātā

The You Moment: Simple Strategies to Stay Top of Mind, Every Time

Nathan Littleton / Great Britain

Paper Plane Labs, founder

Nathan Littleton / Great Britain

Paper Plane Labs, founder

Most businesses rely on hope to be remembered—hope that their customers will think of them at the right time, hope that their message will stick, hope that they'll stand out in a crowded market. But hope is not a strategy. In this session, you'll discover The You Moment, a powerful framework for staying top of mind with the people who matter most to your business. This session will teach you how to create consistent, meaningful touchpoints that build trust and deliver value without feeling salesy or intrusive. You'll explore strategies to craft remarkable experiences that inspire loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals, ensuring your business isn't just remembered – it's the obvious choice.
If you're ready to leave chance behind and embrace a smarter way to connect with your audience, this session will show you how!

Pwith a speaker: About the Lecturer: Nathan Littleton is a marketer, professional speaker and author who specialises in helping businesses to grow by attracting and winning more customers. Each year he sends more than a million emails on behalf of his clients, and his proven track record has led to him working with leading brands including Microsoft, Virgin Care and the BBC. Having started his first business, building websites from his bedroom at the age of just 12, he quickly built a reputation for his unique take on email marketing and growing businesses by sending truly un-deletable emails. Since then, he has made it his mission to give businesses the insights and tools to take their marketing campaigns from good to great, leveraging nearly 20 years of experience in the marketing world. As an in-demand conference speaker, Nathan speaks regularly on email marketing, content creation and marketing strategy with the perfect blend of energy, insight and actionable advice. He holds the distinction of being the youngest ever National President of the Professional Speaking Association and continues to be an active Fellow of the organisation. Nathan has been honoured with the Professional Speaking Award of Excellence and inducted into the PSA’s Hall of Fame, a distinction shared by around 30 speakers in the UK. He is the author of two books: ‘Delivered: The No-nonsense Guide to Successful Email Marketing’ and ‘Opened: Great Subject Lines for Higher Email Open Rates.’ When he’s not speaking, writing or sending emails, Nathan is a long-suffering Aston Villa fan, stand-up comedy fanatic and proud geek.


11:50 Topic to be clarified

Theme to Be Announced

Speaker to Be Announced


12:10 Topic to be clarified

Theme to Be Announced

Speaker to Be Announced


12:30 Generational marketing

Generational marketing

Oskars Rozenbergs / Latvia

Media House, Head of Digital

Oskars Rozenbergs / Latvia

Media House, Head of Digital

At a time when media planning and advertising strategies are adapting rapidly to changing market conditions, it is increasingly important to understand your audience and their values in order to reach them effectively. The lecture will focus on the different characteristics and values of the four socially active generations - Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. This will help you to create meaningful and engaging communications for your audience. We will also look at the media that can be used to reach each generation, thus optimizing your media plans and making efficient use of the advertising budget available.

About the Lecturer: Oskars is Head of Digital at Media House. He is a certified Meta and Google digital specialist with more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing and e-commerce, and has created digital media strategies for leading Latvian brands.


13:00 Lunch, networking, partner stands

Lunch, networking, partner booths

The Best Beats by RADIO TEV DJ Toms Polakens – Your Mood-Boosting Recharge Station!



14:00-15:30 EKSKLUZĪVĀ @Darbnīca Stratēģiskā komunikācija kā darbs ar ilgtermiņa efektiem

Strategic Communication – Creating Long-Term Impact

Zigurds Zaķis / Latvija

Dzeltenā Zemūdene, Founder and Chief Strategist

Zigurds Zaķis / Latvija

Dzeltenā Zemūdene, Founder and Chief Strategist

In this interactive session with brief practical exercises, we’ll explore:
(a) how strategic communication differs from a communication strategy or brand building,
(b) how to achieve significant systemic changes within an industry, society, or country,
(c) the role of communication and other creative interventions in driving these changes, and
(d) how to plan and manage efforts focused on root causes and long-term impact.

About the Lecturer: Zigurds is one of the most experienced communication and brand strategists, as well as a lecturer in the field. Over the past decade, much of his work has focused on developing and implementing major strategic communication projects.


14:00 Starting a marketing agency when the agency market is crowded: why was it needed and why is there demand?

Setting up a marketing agency at a time when the agency market is crowded. Why was it necessary and why is there demand?

Vladislava Romanova / Latvia

Co-founder and Creative Director of advertising agency "SAVA"

Vladislava Romanova / Latvia

Co-founder and Creative Director of advertising agency "SAVA"

The Latvian market is almost literally exploding with advertising, with marketing agencies offering all kinds of services. There are the "giants" who have conquered the market and have been offering their services to brands for several years and there are those popularly called "no-name" agencies, with no face, no experience, and no clear idea of what the end result will be if you choose them. And then there is "YOUR" agency with a lot of experience and a portfolio that is almost non-existent, but with a line of clients who are "tired of what the advertising market has to offer". Why did advertising need something of its OWN and how does a small agency with a lot of experience do?

About the Lecturer: Vladislava is an advertising specialist with more than 10 years of agency and in-house experience. Currently co-owner and creative director of "SAVA" advertising agency, head of communication at RISEBA, and author of documentaries.


14:20 Winning Big at Cannes: trends, tips and insights from the jury room

Winning Big at Cannes: Trends, Tips, and Takeaways from the Jury Room

Kerstin Kessu Raidma / Estonia

Tabasco, Creative Director, teacher, Cannes Lions Estonia Representative

Kerstin Kessu Raidma / Estonia

Tabasco, Creative Director, teacher, Cannes Lions Estonia Representative

Explore the inner workings of the Cannes Lions jury and gain exclusive insights into the latest global creative trends. Discover practical tips for crafting award-winning campaigns and learn how to elevate your ideas, inspire your teams, and achieve global recognition for your work. If you aspire to take home a Cannes Lions, this masterclass will guide you on your path with confidence and creativity.

About the Lecturer: Kerstin has worked in the advertising industry for 17 years, primarily serving as Art Director and Creative Director at Tabasco. She has garnered numerous awards for her advertising and creative work, both locally and internationally. Additionally, she has served on both domestic and international advertising juries, is a member of the board of ADC Estonia, and is a lecturer at the Estonian Art Academy where she instructs students on advertising graphics and branding. First Cannes Lions jury member in Baltic states and Cannes Lions Estonia Representative.


14:40 From idea to first clients: how INDEXO Bank entered the market

From idea to first clients: how INDEXO Bank entered the market

Ieva Bauma / Latvia

INDEXO, Head of Marketing and Communications

Ieva Bauma / Latvia

INDEXO, Head of Marketing and Communications

INDEXO Bank is the first credit institution in Latvia to obtain an operating license after the country joined the eurozone in 2011, hoping to break the stale traditions of the financial market. The story of INDEXO Bank is about the path from an idea to the first customers, about innovation and the ability to change the rules of the market. This will be a story of experience, how INDEXO created its brand, secured its place in the market and built trust - both among customers and shareholders. What were the biggest challenges on this path? What strategies and decisions helped them to attract their first customers?

About the Lecturer: Ieva is the Head of Marketing and Communications at INDEXO, as well as a member of the Board. She is responsible for brand and marketing activities, public communication and investor relations. She previously gained international experience at the energy company Enefit, where she worked on new product promotion, defining customer experience and developing new market segments. Ieva can be characterized by her strategic thinking, ability to adapt to dynamic situations, and courage to experiment.


15:00 Why does someone have to manage the employer image? Printify's Talent Acquisition Strategy

Why does someone have to manage the employer's image? Printify's talent acquisition strategy

Maija Milbrete / Latvia

Printify, Employer Branding and Communication Manager

Maija Milbrete / Latvia

Printify, Head of Employer Branding

Employer image and company culture have become key elements in attracting and retaining talent in a competitive labour market. In her keynote, Maija Milbrete will share how Printify has built a strong employer image based on employee engagement and knowledge sharing. She will talk about initiatives such as Printify Summer Talks, employee participation in international conferences and lessons learned from other experts' experiences, including international conferences in Amsterdam. The lecture will also highlight how to strengthen company culture by involving employees as ambassadors and experts.

About the Lecturer: Maija Milbrete is a communication and employer branding professional with more than 10 years of experience in international branding and corporate branding. As Head of Employer Branding at Printify, she actively develops and implements strategies that strengthen employee engagement and build a positive corporate image. The initiatives she has led have been recognised at both employee and industry level.


15:30 Break, secret moderator opening, networking, partner stands

Break, Secret Moderator Unveiling, Networking, and Partner Booths

The Best Beats by RADIO TEV DJ Toms Polakens – Your Mood-Boosting Recharge Station!



16:00-17:30 @Darbnīca Eksporta potenciāls: no analīzes līdz iekarošanai

Export Potential: From Analysis to Conquest

Jēkabs Dambergs / Latvia

Google’s Digital Strategy Lead for the Baltic States

Jēkabs Dambergs / Latvia

Google’s Digital Strategy Lead for the Baltic States

In this hands-on workshop, the focus is on concrete steps any marketing professional can take to analyze export market conditions and achieve success. Participants will receive practical tips, explore publicly available tools, and get the chance to independently perform product analyses on their own devices, culminating in a data-driven market entry strategy.

About the Lecturer: Jēkabs is a Digital Strategy Lead at Google, working closely with fast-growing companies from the Baltic region. He spearheads a growth program that supports businesses in crafting marketing strategies for entering export markets, boosting sales, and optimizing advertising resources.


16:00 @Discussion: Bubbles and bridges: the marketing alchemy of connecting different information spaces

Inga Spriņģe / Latvia

co-founder and journalist, Re: Baltica Centre for Investigative Journalism

Diana Silaraja / Latvia

Chairwoman of the Board, Pļavnieki Neighbourhood Association

Participants will be complemented

@Discussion: Bubbles and bridges: in connecting different information spaces

Inga Spriņģe / Latvia

co-founder and journalist, Re: Baltica Centre for Investigative Journalism

Diana Silaraja / Latvia

Chairwoman of the Board, Pļavnieki Neighbourhood Association

Inga Spriņģe: Inga is the co-founder of the investigative journalism center Re: Baltica and a journalist with more than 20 years of professional experience. For the past ten years, she has worked extensively on topics such as disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda. Springe is a member of leading international investigative journalism organizations - OCCRP and ICIJ.

Diāna Silarāja: In the spring of 2023, together with complete strangers, united by a common neighborhood and the desire to actively do something for its development, the Pļavnieki Neighbourhood Association was founded. She committed herself to a voting campaign to ensure that the projects prepared by the association would be at the top of the city's participatory budgeting competition in 2023 and 2024 and would be implemented. Diana is a sales and customer relations professional. She also found the challenge professionally interesting - she had to combine some known bubbles and many small and big bubbles that many people do not know exist for a common goal. But if they do, they often choose to ignore them. This can be the case when promoting a product or service, or an event to a specific target audience. However, when it comes to the whole of society, with many different audiences, the usual marketing and sales tricks work for 0.5%, at most!


16:40 It is nothing that this is not the truth. What stories does the audience want to hear?

It doesn't matter if it's not true. What stories does the audience want to hear?

Inga Spriņģe / Latvia

co-founder and journalist, Re: Baltica Centre for Investigative Journalism

Inga Spriņģe / Latvia

co-founder and journalist, Re: Baltica Centre for Investigative Journalism

During the US presidential election, Republican candidates made up a story that Haitian immigrants were eating American pets. They continued this story even after the police in the town in question denounced it as false. It resonated with their voters because it was consistent with perceptions of migrants. In recent years, few have been surprised to observe that audiences are not interested in facts, but in stories. Each community has its own. In this presentation, what kind of storytellers and their stories do audiences gravitate towards, and what does this mean for the media?

About the Lecturer: Inga is the co-founder of the investigative journalism center Re: Baltica and a journalist with more than 20 years of professional experience. For the past ten years, she has worked extensively on topics such as disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda. Springe is a member of leading international investigative journalism organizations - OCCRP and ICIJ.


17:00 The negative impact of the Gap is exaggerated

The negative impact of non-harvesting is exaggerated

Kristaps Pētersons / Latvia

Manager at Standout OÜ

Kristaps Pētersons / Latvia

Manager at Standout OÜ

The bumps in our road can be big or small. Big ones are probably called crises and have special algorithms to deal with them, but small ones often bother our minds long after they have happened. They tend to blur our vision, they can interfere with relationships, and they can eventually develop into serious psychological trauma. How to manage everyday worries properly is what I will talk about.

About the Lecturer: Kristaps produces various media products on a daily basis and advises companies and organisations on presentations in more than 10 countries. While organising FuckUp Nights events in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius, he has gathered several insights on how to get over everyday trips and falls without major long-term wounds. Kristaps is also a guest lecturer for students of several international universities.


17:30 The best Cannes Lions ads, cocktails and festival spirit!

The Best Ads from the Cannes Lions Festival, Cocktails, and the Ultimate Festival Vibe!

Kristaps Pētersons / Latvia

Manager at Standout OÜ

Kristaps Pētersons / Latvia

Manager at Standout OÜ

Bringing World-Class Creativity to Latvia
This exclusive film screening highlights the best global creativity in advertising and communications. The Showcase features a film reel of award-winning commercials, case studies, and social campaigns from the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, which has celebrated excellence in creative communication for 71 years. A new film reel is created each year to showcase the year’s best ads worldwide.

Who Is the Cannes Lions Showcase For?
The Cannes Lions Showcase is designed for a diverse audience. It targets creative professionals such as advertisers, marketers, designers, and communication experts seeking inspiration. Business leaders and brand managers interested in how creativity drives innovation and impact will also benefit greatly. The event further appeals to media enthusiasts passionate about storytelling, students and educators in creative fields, and anyone who appreciates high-quality creative content.

Why Bring the Showcase to Latvia?
Hosting the Cannes Lions Showcase in Latvia offers an excellent opportunity to inspire the local creative community by presenting globally recognised work that sets a high standard. This event engages audiences with powerful storytelling and innovative campaigns, encouraging dialogue across industries and cultures. Furthermore, it is a platform to strengthen international connections, exchange ideas, and elevate Latvia’s presence in the global creative landscape.

The films are in English.
The screening will last 1.5 hours.
Duration - 1,5 hours.


19:00 Festival closing

The end of the festival

Are you ready???

To the festival
have already applied:


Online – Perfect
for Screen

Marketing Shake:
Always on-screen, always risk-free

Price After March 31 €129
  • Online festival participation
  • Recorded Lectures for 1 Month
  • Afterparty*

On-site – For Those Who Need a Screen Break

An Unforgettable Reunion –
More Than Showing Up, It’s True Presence.

Price After March 31 €219
  • On-site festival participation
  • Recorded Lectures for 1 Month
  • Afterparty*
  • Partner take-away gifts
  • Coffee break
  • Refreshing cocktails
  • Lunch

On-Site Plus – For a More Powerful Experience

An Unforgettable Reunion and
a Workshop Effect

Price After March 31 €239
  • On-site festival participation
  • Recorded Lectures for 1 Month
  • Afterparty*
  • Partner take-away gifts
  • Coffee break
  • Refreshing cocktails
  • Lunch
  • Access to Workshop

Corporate VIP – For Those Who Want It ALL

More Energy, Less Expense – For Teams of Six or More

Price After March 31 €239
  • On-site festival participation
  • Recorded Lectures for 1 Month
  • Afterparty*
  • Partner take-away gifts
  • Coffee break
  • Refreshing cocktails
  • Lunch
  • Access to Workshop
  • Access to EXCLUSIVE Workshop

All Listed Prices Exclude 21% VAT


Zuzeum Art Center, Lāčplēša Street 101, Riga, LV–1011. Explore the Venue here!

Time Left Until the Event:


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